Optimized marketing efforts

Data that was available only for online marketing - is now available for brick and mortar stores

Traffic and Sales opportunities

Real-time data from all stores on your desktop and mobile. Measuring the effect of marketing campaigns on each store’s traffic patterns, enable you to optimize and quantify marketing efforts. Segmentation of customers by gender, age group, and grouping patterns (singles, couples, families...), with inner depth analysis of their in-store activity

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Bounce rate

Bounce rate is a term used mainly in online analysis (measuring retention). For the first time, bounce rate can be measured also in physical stores, measuring the percentage of customers that spent a meaningful amount of time in the store. Providing a clear indication if marketing campaign/promotion drove ‘the right’ customers to each store

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Conversion is probably the single most important indicator to measure success rate. Conversion of “marketing dollars” to traffic increase. Conversion of traffic to visits in priority areas. Conversion of traffic to sales. Conversion of sales to high-value sales. We measure and send clear conversion insights to measure and optimize marketing efforts

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Hot and cold areas

Measuring the effect of marketing campaigns on revenue and average basket (ROI) is a well used metric. However, for the first time causation can be measured. Once crossing the marketing efforts with customer’s in-store journey patterns you can clearly see what was really the impact of the campaign/ promotion on customers

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