Wrong-doing at the point of sale
Fraud at the cashier is the most significant source of loss. Draft, fake, voided, old or no invoice is issued. The transaction is not being recorded at the cashier, and the money can be taken by the dishonest employee without being noticed. Yedda's fraud detection has an unmatched success rate in detection of wrong doing at the point of sale
Sensitive areas protection
Safe boxes, Fire doors, sensitive displays and other sensitive areas. Based on pre-defined protocol, real-time alerts are being sent, together with a video evidence, whenever security is being bridged
Night deliveries and storage areas
Loading/unloading goods is a sensitive part of the supply chain. Yedda system detects wrong-doing and sends immediate video evidence for suspected incidents
Shop lifting prevention
Straight forward detection and real-time alerting. Based on algorithmic probability calculations, the system ‘decides’ which cases should be monitored closely. For example, every time an open bag is placed on a display table, active tracking of the bag owner actions is automatically activated