For Analysts and Researcher

Login. Choose the number of data points you wish to connect and their locations. Choose the measurements you wish to receive. And in minutes, real time data will be available

On demand, immediate research

Just set the measurements, locations, and time-frame you wish to research, and start receiving, real-time data-stream, from the locations you chose within minutes. You can switch to other locations, tailor time frames and measurements – you control your research on a completely new level

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Data that was never available before

Segmented traffic to age group, gender, grouping and tailored profiles. Number/ which products were considered by each customer. The effect/ value of servicing by staff/ brand ambassador, or any other action that is happening in the brick and mortar locations. All available on a tailored dashboard together with video evidence from the actual locations

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Offline becomes online

Bounce rate is one of the most important measurements in websites. At what point, the potential customer lost interest in the product/ process. For the first time the same level, amount and speed of data is available from your brick and mortar locations. Every action, every step of the sales protocol is measured, quantified and available on your mobile and desktop devices

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Real, real-time insights

Real Real-time knowledge is extremely powerful. Instead of receiving presentations of high profile research companies, that are more of a “post-mortem” analysis. Taking quick corrective actions when needed is a key source for competitive advantage

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